Breastfeeding Tops

What is a breastfeeding top ?

OK so alot of questions i get from people is what exactly is a breastfeeding top or nursing top ? What can it do for me?

Basically you have had a baby and you want to breastfeed your baby, and as you will know babies want to be fed alot, all times of the day and when they want a feed they WANT IT NOW!!!  Now combine this with your needs as a mother, you’re body has just gone through 1 of it’s biggest changes it probably ever will, and it’s still changing to meet the demands of your baby.

Getting use to the idea of getting your bangers out (apologies i watch far too much Gok ) all the time is a shocking idea, and pretty alien to us, add this to the fact you don’t really want to flash your new post baby muffin top to the world and the actual act of breastfeeding can be abit off putting for some ladies especially in public.

So our breastfeeding tops here at Mama Feelsgood are designed in a special way so to enable you to breastfeed whilst keeping your tummy covered and providing you with discretion whilst you feed your child. Each breastfeeding shirt is designed like 2 shirts in 1 , the under layer provides the cover for your tummy and has double side openings on each side which enable you to pull to 1 side and feed your baby. The top layer looks like a regular shirt, and when the top shirt is down you can’t see the nursing openings at all.

Our Ray Gun breastfeeding shirt .

Here at Mama Feelsgood we are really trying to put the funk back into nursing wear, and whilst we appreicate you’ve had a baby you really don’t have to change the way you dress just because you have chosen to breastfeed your baby.

We will be expanding our range of breastfeeding clothing soon, so we can provide mothers with a more trendy, up to date maternity & breastfeeding wardobe.

Be a funky mum, wear breastfeeding tops from

Breastfeeding Tops

Not Long Until Our Maternity T-shirts Are In Vogue magazine

March 5th 2009 and Mama Feelsgood Maternity Tees are going to appear in UK Vogue magazine and we are totally stoked. Yes it is a small appearance but hey baby it’s Vogue and our maternity tops are going to be in there!

I watched Sex And The City the movie last night and in it Carrie Bradshaw appeared in Vogue magazine and it brought it home to me how amazing it really is to be approached by the to appear in the feature they are running.

I could tell you which maternity tops the guys at Vogue have picked out to appear (i created a short list for them to choose from) but that would ruin the surprise, so we are gonna make you guys wait ha ha.

Who knows our breastfeeding tops might make it in there soon. We’ve had loads of really fabulous feedback about our maternity & nursing tees which is amazing , and i recently had the most amazing letter which has gone up on the wall of my office, next to it soon will be the Vogue maternity article!!
